Meet Jo...
Jo’s story with Saint Cecilia school begins when she entered Kindergarten in September of 1952. At the time, the “new” church was in the process of being built and a new wing of the school was in the works. Jo remembers vividly the classrooms being full to capacity, yet the students learned how to be respectful of their teachers and classmates, making it easy for them to learn in large groups.
While she attended Saint Cecilia’s with her siblings and cousins - a few of whom were in the same grade - Jo always remembers the school feeling like a family. Her classmates were tight knit and many would remain lifelong friends. There were also many teachers whom Jo considered family, in particular Mrs. Mangano (pictured), who she continued to stay in touch with until she passed away a few years ago. School bazaars, cleaning the convent, and making sacraments were some of Jo’s fondest adolescent memories.