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Parent Satisfaction Survey

School Name*
Answer Required
Grade your child(ren) are in:*
Answer Required
1. On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the best, how happy have you been with your child's experience at school this year?*
Answer Required
2. Are you planning to re-enroll your child/ren next year?*
Answer Required
4. Have you had any problems or concerns with any of your child/ren's teachers*
Answer Required
5. Have you had any problems or concerns with other staff at the school (office staff, counselor, principal, aides, etc.)*
Answer Required
9. Would you like someone to contact you about your answers to our questions?*
Answer Required
10. Do you know what Catholic Partnership Schools (CPS) is and how it connects to your child's school? (check all that apply)*
Answer Required